Joint Admission Exercise (JAE)
The Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE) is conducted annually by the Ministry of Education (MOE) to let Singapore-Cambridge GCE ‘O’ Level certificate holders to apply for admission to courses offered by: Junior Colleges (JC), Millennia Institute (MI), Polytechnics (Poly) and Institute of Technical Education (ITE).
The JAE is conducted in 3 phases:
- Registration Phase- This phase is for candidates to submit their registration for courses after the release of the Singapore-Cambridge GCE ‘O’ Level examination results.
- Posting Phase- This phase is for the posting of applicants to JC / MI / Poly / ITE courses of study.
- Posting Results Release Phase- This phase is for the release of JAE posting results. Candidates posted to JC/MI are to report to their posted institution on the succeeding working day after the posting results. Candidates posted to Poly will receive their registration package with details by end February and Candidates posted to ITE will receive their posting letter within 3 working days upon the release of JAE posting results.
JAE Eligibility
All Singapore Citizens (SC) or Permanent Residents (SPR) with valid Singapore-Cambridge GCE ‘O’ Level Examinations results from any year and International students studying in a Government School, Government-Aided School or Independent School in Singapore with valid Singapore-Cambridge GCE ‘O’ Level Examination results are eligible to participate in JAE except those who have been successfully admitted to a JC/Poly through the Direct School Admission-Junior Colleges (DSA-JC) or Direct Polytechnic Admission (DPA).
JAE Dates and Deadlines
The Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE) is conducted in January after the release of the O-Level results. It will run for 5 calendar days. You may submit your application online through the JAE Internet System (JAE-IS).
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